Saturday, March 7, 2009

Theivery Corporation at Terminal 5

Under fun:

Theivery Corporation

Terminal 5

The last time we were at Terminal 5 was last fall for the Hot Chip show. This venue is huge... there are three levels from where you can see the stage. It does have a weird setup---more like a club than a music venue, since they have quiet spots and you can get to sit down.

DJKung is an avid Theivery fan. He saw their last big show with his cousin. We also saw them last summer for a Summerstage fundraiser.

Here is why I was truly disappointed in the show; for $45 a pop, it was THE SAME EXACT SHOW that we saw last summer, from the lineup of the songs, to all the performers (special mention goes to the annoying bassist who prances all around the stage DURING EVERY SONG and who may not even be reaally playing) to one of the singers who does laps around the stage while singing the spaceship song, to most of their visuals.

Do not get me wrong; it was a good show with a very talented lineup. It was just very disappointing to see the same exact thing.

As for the audio in Terminal 5, be warned that it can get thumpingly and bone-shakingly loud. Which is great for a live show. Theivery did sound much better this time than their show in the park, but the sound was not as crisp as we would have liked (could not hear some of the instruments).

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