Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia is Gaudi's unfinished majestic masterpiece.  It's very difficult to describe this massive work besides jaw-dropping.  We got neck cramps from just looking up.  The church is as big as a city block and just towers over everything in the area. 

Note the art deco-y religious reliefs. 

As you can see from the scaffolding, work is still ongoing to this day.  (Wikipedia says that work begun in 1882!)

Xamfra Gaudi, Barcelona

Xamfra Gaudi
C/ Valencia, 443

We were quite hungry after our jaunt at Montjuic.  However, we decided on one more spot to visit, the famed Sagrada Familia.  Xamfra Gaudi was luckily just a few blocks away, and we enjoyed a few tapas with our beer.  This cafeteria/cerveseria/tapes/torrades joint was quite bustling that day and everything on display looked really good.

Potatoes with pimiento peppers in tomato sauce.

We sat at the bar and essentially pointed at a couple of things that we liked.

Anchoas (I love anchovies!).  Foreground is  bread with tomato sauce.

Patatas bravas, or fried potatoes topped with ketchup and mayo.

Pulpo.  The guy behind the counter actually just gave this to us gratis, when one of our orders took too long to heat up.  The pulpo was tender and tasty.