Sunday, December 6, 2009

Noshin' and gawkin' at MOMA

11 West 53rd Street (btw 6th and 7th Ave)

Kudos to Target for once again giving something back to the community!  Target is sponsoring free Fridays at MOMA.  This is a superduper deal because general admission to this museum costs around $20.   Granted, the hours are from 4p to 8p, and you'll probably have to stand in line for the tickets, but folks--- free is free!!!

Superfatty's new favorite during this visit (Departure by Max Beckman,1932)

MOMA has a world-class collection of modern art, with a lot of heavy-hitters and crowd plesasers.  I have not been here for a long time, well before they started contruction of the new sculpture garden.  It was fun checking out the new space and revisiting old favorites.  It's quite funny how your personal tastes evolve over time. . . I found that the stuff I really liked before was not particularly interesting this time. 

Our approach to museums generally is to take the elevator to the topmost floor, then work our way down.  DJKung and I were able to cover two floors before getting quite peaky.  It was nice that the cafe was not jam-packed despite the hour (6-ish) and we were seated right away.  We opted for just small bites because we wanted to have a big dinner later on.

Three cheese sampler.  I forget the name of the cheeses, but the top was a soft cheese, which was meh.  The middle cheese is semi-hard like Parmesan--- sweet, nutty and slightly crumbly (this was the best one).  The blue cheese was not superfunky and was ok.  This came with some dense bread and apricot jam. 

We also picked a flight of red wines.  We agreed that we liked the Rioja the best. 

Thus fortified, we proceeded with gawking our way through the rest of the floors.  It was a really fun date---just like we used to do it the good ol' days!