Saturday, April 4, 2009

South India: Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways

UFC has taken a little holiday to South India these last few weeks, hence the lack of blogging activity. We were too busy having fun-fun-fun! We scored super-duper cheap fares on Qatar Airways, which is launching new routes to India from New York (with stops to Doha). I booked tickets via their online site and it was very easy to use.

Refreshing towel and candies

Travel kit (socks, earplugs, eye cover, earbuds).

Complimentary papers. I like how regional the news is... you can learn a lot just by looking at the pictures, even if you can't read the script.

There were two stand-out features of flying with Qatar that we really enjoyed. DJKung was impressed with their entertainment system. Their library of music, movies and games is accessed via individual touch-screen monitors. It seems that the channels for web surfing and satellite tv are still in the works, though. Movies, of course, are your friend during these long cramped hours in coach class. Besides the usual Hollywood fare, they had some classic stuff. Their foreign movie selection was also pretty good (they even had Filipino movies!)
The food was also better compared with the usual airplane food. I liked that my special request tray was never neglected.

Lacto-ovo dinner. Clockwise from top left: chickpea salad, fresh fruit, water, entree (paneer with green sauce, rice, carrot and green pea curry), chocolate, cheese, dinner roll.

DJKung's dinner tray. His came with pasta salad, raspberry cheesecake, and a beef entree.

Lacto-ovo breakfast tray. Came with raspberry yogurt and more fresh fruit. Entree was sauteed spinach, chickpeas and roti.

With all the time zone differences at this point, I was not sure anymore if this was a lunch or dinner tray. I think the veggies were spinach and squash.

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