Saturday, January 16, 2010

Strollin' at La Boqueria (Barcelona)

La Boqueria
Off of Las Ramblas, Barcelona

One of the best things to check out when away on holiday are the local markets.  You get to see a lot of locals going about their own business.  The markets also give you an idea of what people like to eat, which I think says a lot about them. The market is also a reflection of how vibrant the local economy and the local environment is in terms of the variety and quantity of produce offered. 

Barcelona has La Boqueria, a large covered market that has a lovely assortment of a lot of very gorgeous food. La Boqueria is extremely difficult to miss, being smack dab in Las Ramblas, the big tourist strip downtown. 

Entrance to La Boqueria.  There's just loads of people here, and I think it is quite prudent to be mindful of your belongings.

Jamon and various other cured meats.


I love how these fruits are stacked up... so pretty!

School kiddies on a field trip.

Fruits and juice.

We saw about two of these egg stands.  I did not see those big white orbs in the left of the picture--- I wonder what they can be?

Wild mushrooms.  They also had some dried morels, which cost a fortune back home (if you can find them).  I was very tempted to sneak some of these guys back.

Cured meats and cheese.  The cheese selection here is  very different from what we saw in Borough Market (London), more semi-hard and hard cheeses.   I was expecting more of the runny and stinky cheeses given Barcelona's proximity to France. 

We stopped for some coffee at one of the small stalls.  DJKung got the hot chocolate (no churros because it was late).  See how thick it is!

Jamon, jamon, jamon. There were so many grades of this stuff and the array was just bewildering.  I wouln't mind sneaking back home a hoof r two.  It's going to look really nice in my kitchen and the furs I'm sure would love it.

Skinned goat heads.  I guess they use it for soup?  These reminded me of a food stall Jemma L'Fna in Marrakesh, whose specialty was goat brains (that stall had a display of goat craniums sliced open to show the innards)

Whatta load of tripe!  I think that's a nose on top?

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