Saturday, January 16, 2010

Eatin' in La Boqueria (Barcelona)

Bar Boqueria
Inside La Boqueria, Barcelona

Was it still breakfast? Or lunch?  One of the great things here in Spain is that you can pop by a tapas bar and grab a quickie bite that is just enough to stave off hunger yet not ruin your appetite for later. 

I f anyone asks me to name a great tapas bar in Barcelona, I'd have absolutely no clue.  There are sooo many to pick from, in all price levels.  The beauty of it is that you can sit and have a bite, and if it is not to your liking, move on to the next place.

Bar Boqueria in La Boqueria (of course) serves a nice array of tapas in the medium price range.  Due to its location, there are tourists, of course.  It was nice to sit down and have  beer and a nibble.

Various tortillas on top, salads in the display case.

DJKung got an order of choricitos, which are tiny sausages the size of your pinkie finger..  He said that they tasted a lot like the Philippine spicy longganisa. 

II must have been craving breakfast food because I got eggs.   Here's a picture of my spinach tortilla. I wonder how many eggs go into making it?  Almost wanted to ask for ketchup, but did not dare.   The bread had a nice tomato and oil puree drizzle.

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