Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thirsty Owl WInery, Finger Lakes region, NY

Thirsty Owl Winery
6799 Elm Beech Road
Ovid, NY

The Finger Lakes is the largest wine-producing region in New York state.  More than a hundred wineries dot the perimeters of the lakes in this area because of the unique microclimate created by the lakes, which is perfect for growing certain types of grapes.  There are wine trails you can follow that leads from one winery to the next (the Cayuga, Seneca and Keuka Wine Trails).   Because we only had a few hours left to linger before heading home, we decided to try one winery by Cayuga Lake and one by Seneca Lake.

We picked Thirsty Owl by pure happenstance, because it was just set so gorgeously next to Cayuga Lake.

It was unbelievable how picture-perfect the Finger Lakes was that weekend, while it was raining buckets back home.   In the foreground of the picture are some of the (new) vines at Thirsty Owl. 

Thirsty Owl.  In the back of the building is a smart bistro that overlooks the lake.  I'm sure it's really relaxing to have lunch here on a fine summer day. 

One awesome thing about the Finger Lakes wineries  is that wine tastings are rather nominal.  Here at Thirsty Owl, I believe that we paid a couple of bucks each to try about five or six of their wines, which was credited to our final purchase.

DJKung about to try out some Thirsty Owl.

At the end, we decided that their white wines were much easier to drink.  We got two bottles of their 2008 Vidal Blanc.  This was on the dry side, with a light mango/peach bouquet, and super easy to drink.  Very fairly priced too!

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