Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Emile's Restaurant (Finger Lakes region, NY)

Emile's Restaurant
369 Routes 5 and 20 Westbound
Geneva, NY 14456

Besides the pizza we had en route to Geneva, we had not eaten all day.  Deciding what to have for dinner was a tricky affair, given that we could not leave the doggies in the hotel room (a definite no-no according to the front desk), nor were we cold-hearted enough to leave them in the car.  Thus, we opted for take-away.

Emile's Restaurant was definitely the happenin' spot of the area.  It is an Italian-American joint, with the usual pasta and meat entrees.  A lot of locals come for good fillin' food, and great local wines by the glass.  It was really nice to see a wine list that showcases local wines.   DJKung had a pint of Ithaca Pale Ale, which was remarkably smooth.  I had a glass of the house red. 

This picture was taken the day after. Emile's is only open for dinner, and it was rockin' the night we were there.

Thinking that we were just ordering takeout, we neglected to bring the camera.  Thus, we were unprepared to take pictures of their gorgeous salad bar, which is a self-serve bar with salad greens, macaroni salad, coleslaw, and bean salad.  We were taken aback when handed two styrofoam take-out containers and told to help ourselves at the salad bar.  I really took advantage of their all-you-can-eat policy!

DJKung ordered pork shops, which were two generous portions that came with a side of applesauce.  The chops were meaty and moist and the furs really liked it.  I got the linguine alfredo, which me and the furs had the next day because we got filled up from the salad. 

Best of all, the prices were really reasonable, considering the portions of the food that we got. We all slept with full bellies that evening.

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