Sunday, November 16, 2008

Are you Game for Gam mee ok?

Under Food

Gam mee ok Restaurant
485 Main Street
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
(201) 242-1333

This restaurant always intrigued us. It is in low-slung striking modern-looking building with a lot of glass, and shielded by bamboo plants. The parking lot is always full no matter what time of day it is, AND this place is open 24 hours. DJKung's been hankering for some Korean food, and so we went.

Interestingly enough, the place is actually smaller than it looks. The menu is straight-up Korean fare, and a lot of pork. I must say, this cuisine respects---nay, reveres pork, which was present in different forms on the menu.

Of course, the meal starts off with some kimchi. They bring out a metal pot of kimchee (cabbage and radish), and snip it into bite-sized pieces with a pair of scissors.

Kimchee in center. It was pretty good, and the spice/fermentation was not too heavy. Other items: top left: napa cabbage leaves and long green peppers for pork soup; vinegar-soy dip for pork legs Bottom right: two sauces for pork soup.

I ordered the pork noodle soup. The broth was very porky, a bit on the bland side. You're supposed to garnish it with chopped scallions and salt (available at the table),the napa cabbage leaves and the long green peppers. And the sauce. I'm afraid I overdid the salt this time and could not finish it. Next time, I'll be more careful.

Pork noodle soup. Notice the milky broth. DJKung got the same thing, except that his came with tendons. The kitchen was extremely generous with the tendons, which were gelatinous and filling.
DJKung also ordered the sliced pork hocks. It looks like the pork hocks are boiled for a long time to tenderize the connective tissue, then cooled and sliced. DJKung was in pork heaven after a few bites. "Amazing," said he.

Sliced pork hocks, with a little salad of greens, peppers and garlic. This was a popular item on the menu.

Other interesting dishes we espied from other tables include the kalbi ribs and bimimbap, which we shall be trying at another time. Gam mee ok also has some sochu on hand, which we shall try too!

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