Friday, June 4, 2010

Awesome Filipino catering: Barangay Union

Barangay Union Grill and Food mArt
1045-A Stuyvesant Avenue
Union, NJ
(908) 964- 3500

We always look forward to certain Filipino gatherings where we get to sample specialty dishes that are too esoteric, too complicated, or too messy/smelly to cook.  Our friend, A., recently had a christening party for his little bebe and the food was way beyond what we usually encounter.  I'm talking some real scrumptious chop suey, fried squid, laing... I (and everyone in the party, I suspect) was really impressed by the sheer variety and quantity of the food.

Barangay Union is apparently well-recommended among those in the know in central Jersey.  Here's the sign from the catering truck:

One of these days, we'll make a special foray to check this place out. 

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