Monday, January 11, 2010

The Eagle, London

The Eagle
Islington, London

Of course, our last night in London was not complete without a few pints at a local pub.  The Eagle is a neighborhood pub with some nice taps.  Definitely not as crowded as all the other places we passed by at Angel. We had fun trying a few brews.

Fruli--- a strawberry fruit beer.  It was thick and sweet, like a shake, or a dessert. Amazingly tasted like pureed superripe strawberries.  DJKung's cousin loves this beer.

Cheers! Dark Star ale is on the right.  The one on the left has a very familiar logo...  In any event, DJKung and I were very amazed at how full flavored and smooth they were.  In reviewing Dark Star's online info, it appears that it is an American-style pale ale, which I never would have guessed!

Here's DJKung and cousin M mugging for the camera.  We reallllly enjoyed our stay in London, and that's not the beers talking!

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