Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park (London)

WInter Wonderland at Hyde Park, London

It's certainly shaping up to be a very jolly Christmas here across the pond.  Winter Wonderland is a German-style Christmas market, definitely with something for everyone.  Admission is free and there are loads of sights to take in.  

At the foreground of this picture were a number of stalls selling Christmas decorations and crafts.  Not pictured, but slightly beyond the entrance was a mechanical singing moose and artificial snow flakes by Santa's workshop.  It was a very festive atmosphere, with couples, groups and families milling about and enjoying the sights.

DJKung getting a couple of cups of mulled (spiced) wine, which they make in the large copper kettles in the background.  Seriously, this stuff is quite potent and heats up your innards so quickly.  They serve them in these clay cups, which you redeem later on for a quid each. And of course, they have German beers too.

Of course, you have your gingerbread cookies...

... games galore...

... and spooky rides too (I'm actually not sure what the connection these scary rides with the holidays).  This is a pirate-themed ride. To tell you the truth, hardly anyone was seen going into these rides at the time.

Steroid pretzels (they look yummy, don't they!)

This is the typical offering for one of the concessions.  Sausage, sausage, and sausage.

DJKung tried one of the brats.  "No," he said, "not quite a Nathan's or a Hebrew National... it's rather gamy, but in a good way."

Fried potatoes in a giant skillet.

Cakes and pastries.

Taking a break. I think the doggie wanted a wurst too.

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