Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mystery Peruvian Joint in Paterson

Mystery peruvian joint
Paterson, NJ

While browsing through some old pictures, we came across these images taken last winter while dining at this mystery peruvian joint in Paterson --- we've coined it as such simply because we couldn't remember where it was exactly, or what its name was. All we know was that around the corner, there was a modest middle eastern grocery store.

This mystery joint was much larger than your average latin american eatery in these parts. It was pretty hooked up too, with a bar on one side, leather-type banquettes and a big flat-screen telly. It was not too busy, although interestingly, one table had a german couple--- tourists, from the look of them. Which was odd because this place was really really off the beaten track.

The food was pretty solid, although we must admit that with jaime's and el-F almost at our doorstep, it's unlikely that we'd venture this far out for peruvian fare.

Chicken soup. The broth was excellent and full of real chicken flavor. It's topped with bits of cilantro and starchy corn kernels. This was great on a cold winter day.

Fish saltado with rice. The fish is fried crisply then tossed with french fries a tomato-and-onion saute. It was very savory and quite hearty. Not many places make it this good.

Lomo saltado. Beef strips cooked in the same manner as above. DJKung felt that the fish was much better.

This mystery place ain't all bad ... we've agreed to revisit when we find ourselves in the area again.

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