Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Must- eats at Medina Restaurant

Under food:

Medina Restaurant

West Railway Avenue (at the Paterson Farmer's Market)

Paterson, NJ

The Paterson Farmer's Market has been Superfatty's favorite market in the area for quite a number of years. The stores here have a pretty solid selection of fresh fruits and veggies--- nothing exotic, but the prices are very reasonable. The market also caters to a huge immigrant population, so some stores specialize in ethnic goodies too.

We noticed Medina Restaurant was pretty busy during lunch hour one weekend. As far as restaurants go, this one looks pretty utilitarian. The kitchen is separated from the dining area by display counters. I am not sure what their specialty was--- I think it was Guatemalan fare (have to check the flag hanging on the wall again).

I got the seafood soup, which I noticed a bunch of people had ordered. DJKung got the carne asada. Basically, you order at the counter and they'll let you know when the food is ready.

The verdict --- yummy! Everything was nicely spiced and very filling.

Seafood soup. This soup was chock-full of all sorts of marine produce and the stock was tasty. I've read somewhere that the best fish stock comes from using different types of seafood. This soup had a piece of fish head (quite bony, so I think it was for flavor only), tons of shrimp, mussels, squid, and a bit of crab. Nothing was overcooked, so I think they make this soup to order.

Rice and avocado came with my soup, so it was very hearty. I finished every bite.

Corn tortillas, served warm.

Carne asada, with rice and red beans. This tasted remarkably like mechado (Filipino beef stew in tomato sauce).

DJKung and I were pretty impressed at how solid the food was. We'll definitely come back on our next foray into the farmer's market.

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