Tuesday, April 14, 2009

South India: Goa: Venita Restaurant

Venita Restaurant
Panajim, South Goa

Our taxi driver, who was born and raised in Panajim, recommended this restaurant. We were disappointed that this was another tourist trap, unfortunately. But at least we got to try casheew feni on our last night.

Our drinks for the evening. Aquafina bottled water, King's beer, selzer water, cashew feni. Feni is a local liquor made from cashew fruit. It had a slightly oily texture and a sweet, cloying, almost-decaying aroma that was unmistakably from cashews. We found it very difficult to drink, it was quite strong.

Stuffed crab, one of the specials that evening. The crab was fresh, but had too much sauce in the filling.

Steak, which DJKung pronounced as "awful."

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