Friday, April 10, 2009

South India: Goa: Danny's Restaurant

Danny's Restaurant
Arambol, Goa

Arambol is the hippie beach of North Goa. All of the tourists we've come across prior to making here had raved about how awesome this beach is, so we were prepared to hate it.

Yet it ain't that bad... the beach was a long strip of white sand and pretty strong surf. Not too many people, which was surprising. There were a number of beach huts and restaurants facing the water, but it was really... dead. Goa, like other parts of India, appeared to have been hard hit by the events of 26/11.

So we walked a bit for a few minutes under the blazing sun. We picked a random place among the many beachfront restaurants. Danny's had your typical tourist menu of spaghetti, salads and burgers. DJKung was happy with just a cold drink and a snack, but I was feeling ravenous.

Lime soda. This is freshly mixed lime juice, sugar, salt and cold seltzer water. It became DJKung's drink of choice for the rest of the trip.

The prices for the drinks were very reasonable. I got a mango lassi (mango and yogurt drink) and DJKung ordered freshly squeezed pineapple juice. Yea... we''re on vacation and we're doin' it up! (That, and the Kingfisher beer that we had one night gave me quite the hangover.)

Thinking back to DJKung's chicken fried rice at SAS Restaurant, I ordered the prawn fried rice. It was prepared Hong Kong style, and was very satisfying.

DJKung got the fried papadum, which had a spicy veggie sauce on it (tomato?).

Considering that Danny's solely catered to tourists, we were pretty impressed by the food. After finishing the fried rice and fried papadum, we were ready for round two.

French fries. Nothing beats french fries at the beach. The catsup had a fruity flavor to it.

Shrimp tempura with fried rice. Don't it look cute! DJKung finished every bite.

Typical scene in Arambol.

It is easy to see why tourists fall in love with Arambol. The beach is wide and clean. No horse flies (like in New Jersey)! The beach huts are dirt cheap, and you can get hearty good food at places like Danny's for a song.

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