Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Boozoo Bajou at Cielo

Under fun:

Boozoo Bajou at Cielo

We were looking forward to seeing Boozoo Bajou after his awesome DJ set some time ago. I did miss his last party, which was very danceable.

Too bad the party was on a Monday night, a frigid one, at that. It seemed that the party was not well-promoted, because the turnout was pretty low.

DJKung hanging out by the speakers. I like how his face has a nice glow from his telephone.

The venue, Cielo, has one of the more diggable sound systems out there. The sound comes out very crisp and clean. The hardwood dance floor is minuscule, unfortunately. The walls, which look like an abstract log cabin, is starting to look outdated.

Boozoo's set started off very spare and meditative. . . a great listening experience. He was reaaally slow to warm up. By the time we left (12ish), it seemed like he was still warming up. Played great listening songs, as opposed to boogie-able songs.

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