Saturday, January 3, 2009

Takin' it back to Takahachi

Under food:


It felt like we haven't been to Taka in a while. We were craving tempura one day, so off we went. DJKung ordered the Spanish medium-grade toro (fatty tuna), beef skewers (unpictured) and tempura soba. I got my fave bento box. The only gripe we had was that the tempura shrimp was not up to Taka's par; this evening, it was rather tiny and had extra breading.

Spanish medium toro. It tasted pretty fresh, a bit firm and a bit fatty. DJKung described it as "balanced."

Tempura soba. This was pretty hearty, and DJKung commented on how rich the broth tasted.

Bento box. Isn't it purty? From top left: tempura shrimp and veggies; sashimi (yellowtail tuna, tuna, salmon); braised pork and veggies; fried oyster; grilled salmon. I never get bored of the selection and can switch up my bites. This also comes with either soup nor salad, and either white or brown rice.

Somebody next to us ordered the toro sushi, so we were kinda jealous. We ended up getting it too (copycat!).
Left: unagi (eel) hand roll. Right: two pieces of toro sushi. The unagi was devoured after a few bites. The toro sushi was good too, melt-in-your-mouth buttery tuna. Yummmm.

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