Friday, January 2, 2009

Movies we watched this week

Under fun:

Donnie Darko (2001)

This was on tv during the long Christmas weekend. Donnie Darko is about a teenaged boy who may or may not be having grandiose and scary audiovisual hallucinations. I prefer to think it is the latter, and that the movie was exploring two universes. The part about the wormhole connecting the two seemed rather illogical, though.

DJKung liked the movie, but hated how uncertain the ending was.

Les Enfants Terribles (1950)

We got this at our local library (yay to public libraries!). I picked it to find out why this movie was such a classic. It is about two overgrown brats. The movie is really dated, with the acting very exaggerated. Nevertheless, the story was quite hilarious and more than a bit disturbed.

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