Tinga Taqueria
215 Bellevue Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07043
(973) 509-8226
(other NJ locations available)
Ozzie Wan and The Faschiester recommended Tinga for an early dinner while we waited for Slumdog Millionaire's next showing in Montclair. They've been regulars of this joint over the last two years, and it's easy to see why. The portions are reasonably priced, huge and tasty. It sure hit the spot.
Tinga in Montclair is a tiny restaurant that seats maybe twenty, at most. I love how warm and cozy the interior is. Their setup requires you to place and pay for your order at the counter, although they do bring the food to your table. Try not to fill up on the complimentary tortilla chips, because you won't finish your food!
Orange soda.
Veggie tacos. Their taco entrees come in a soft shell inside a hard shell. You get a sauce on the side with this (remoulade?) which was lovely. Ozzie Wan realllly likes this sauce.
Left: veggie nachos. This was a pretty hefty serving with lots of cheese and beans. Right: veggie burrito with rice and beans.
Right: we also ordered the catfish tacos. The fish is pan-cooked, and not deep-fried as with your typical fish tacos. This comes with a tomato salsa, rice, black beans and a smoky chile ancho (mayo-based?) sauce.
DJKung also ordered some ribs. (Blogger keeps posting it sideways---whyyyy?!) This came with a side of yellow rice and black beans (not pictured) I tried a bit of the sauce and it was pretty smoky, like mole. DJKung said the meat was on the lean side, but still fallling-off-the-bone tender. Later at home, Chibby remarked that the ribs were excellent.
DJKung and I left Tinga nice and full, with plenty of doggie bags for the furs and for work. Wish it was closer to us so we can stop by more often!

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