Friday, September 25, 2009

Food Lovers' Guide to NJ

Food Lovers' Guide to New Jersey
by Peter Genovese (2d ed. 2008)

We picked this up at our local library, more out of a sense of curiosity than anything. The author writes for The Star Ledger and is part of the Munchmobile, a roving van that goes all over the Garden State in search of great Jersey eats. I remember that the Munchmobile received a lot of press when they reviewed all the good hot dog spots here in NJ, and the article that they wrote was really fun to read.
Food Lovers' is divvied up into North Jersey, Central Jersey, South Jersey and the Jersey Shore, and I think that the Central and South Jersey parts seemed to have the better coverage in terms of places to eat. Not only are restaurants (from all over the price spectrum) included, but there are also references to food markets, NJ-produced food (e.g., Goya and Nabisco), wineries, and food-related events. I especially liked how Genovese highlights the ethnic enclaves that we have, where the food is always awesome and authentic.
The book ended up being a good resource for our trip to Atlantic City last weekend. I'm so glad DJKung picked this book up.

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